What is

5SRW is the acronym for 5-Step Render workflow. It is a method of working created by Cgworld in collaboration with several instructors, among these Ciro Sannino, an official V-Ray Licensed Trainer. 5SRW is a photographic approach to work using V-ray in 5 steps. The 5SRW certification will certify that a student has strong photography and V-Ray knowledge and is able to apply the 5 steps method.

The certification

All students who will pass the certification exam are allowed to use the CGworld Logo on their business cards and website. Every student will receive a Certificate in PDF format, and their name will be listed on CGworld’s official website. Students will receive a personal link which will direct them to the page on the CGworld website where their certification is displayed along with their details. It is possile to use the link on CVs and websites.

The exam

After passing the certification exam you will be 5SRW certified. The 5SRW exam is made of 2 phases: a multiple choice test and a pratical exam where the student will demonstrate his ability to apply photography principles. The test is made of 130 multiple choice questions to be done in 2 hours and will take place online. The practical test will be devised by the trainer and will be different at each exam session.


A single access account to the www.5srwcertification.com portal costs $250, and the first exam attempt is free. Any successive attempts will be $50 per attempt.

All members who purchase the Self study training will have the right to a free account and to the first exam attempt for free.

Link badge

You personal badge as 5SRW Certified to link your official certification:

Certified list

Your personal certification, with an unique ID, pesonal picture and details: